A Step-by-Step Guide of How to Submit an Assignment on Schoology

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Why Schoology Is a Blessing for Many Students?

Schoology is a learning management system platform that is gradually gaining popularity with the advancement of technology. Since nowadays many students prefer to choose an online course over the traditional classroom education, platforms like Schoology are like a blessing to them.

It allows the students and teachers to get the study material and find the assignments anytime with their internet connection. There are several ways of submitting assignments on Schoology. Here is a step-by-step guide for the students to know whom to submit the assignment on Schoology.

How to Work on an Assignment?

●       When a student works on an assignment, they need to divide the topic into a few questions. All they need to do is answer all those questions in their paper or assignment.

●       The students should list down their resource materials while they are working on a topic. They must not copy and paste the whole part of their resource material. Instead, they should use portions of that resource in their project with in-text citations followed by a reference list. They should put the resource material within quotes to substantiate their answer.

●       They should know what to cite and what not to cite. If the students are paraphrasing some parts of a resource, they do not need to use quotation marks. They can do a proper citation under the heading bibliography. If they are using portions of their previous work, they need to do a citation. In case they do not do it that can be an instance of self-plagiarism.

●       When the students work on their project, they need to make sure they are not doing any wrong citations or misquoting parts. They must do an in-page citation and a full citation at the end of the work. In the reference list, one should mention the author’s name, work, page number, publisher, edition, and other valid information. The students need to remember that crediting the original author is the only way to avoid plagiarism.

●       The students can submit unlimited pages for assignments on Schoology. The tool supports any document up to 512 MB per file. Schoology Doc viewers supports a huge variety of files including PDF, DOC, DOCX, GIF, TXT, HTML, JPG, PPT, PPTX, PNG, SXW, TIFF, WMV, WPD, XML, CSV, DFX, EPS, HTM, JPEG, MP3, MP4, MOV, RTF, ODP, ODS, PSD, XLS, XLSV, XLSX, etc. Therefore the student can submit their assignment in any format.

●       Lastly, the student can use a plagiarism checker tool to determine the plagiarized part present in a content.

How to Upload the Assignment on Schoology?

There are multiple ways that a student can take to upload an assignment on the online tool. Here is a guide on how to submit their task on Schoology in the different platforms-


  1. The user needs to click on the assignment that they are going to submit.
  2. They can click on the submit assignment option in the right-hand column of the submissions area.
  3. Upload the assignment by selecting the file placed on the computer. The student can create a document on the web with the help of the text editor.
  4. The user must click on the ‘Submit’ option to finish uploading.
  5. There is an additional step in which the students can also submit another time by clicking on the re-submit assignment option present in the submission area using similar steps mentioned before.

IOS App:

  1. The user needs to click on the assignment they want to submit. Then they can tap on the + sign present on the top right.
  2. They can submit assignments from camera roll, in the video, picture format, or record audio. They can also attach files from IOS apps.
  3. The user needs to write an entry for submission or put a picture. Finally, they have to click on the checkered box to complete the submission process.

Open In

The students can also submit an assignment saved in another IOS application with the ‘open in’ feature.

  1. They can access the file and then click on the open-in option. The students need to open the file by selecting Open in Schoology.
  2. After logging in, to the Schoology, they can select the course they are making their submission.
  3. After that, they need to select the assignment for which they are submitting the file. When the submission process ends, the application notifies the student about it.

Android App:

The users can easily submit an assignment on the Android app. They can follow a few steps for that –

  1. The students can click on the assignment under which they are submitting.
  2. After that, they have to swipe to the Grades/ Submission area, where there is a down-facing arrow that has the option Grades/ Submission. They need to select the Grades/ Submission option.
  3. They have to tap on the + sign on the top right. The students can click on the upload submission option to upload a file from the device.
  4. The user can select the create text submissions to submit their assignment through the application.
  5. They need to check the draft box to create the submission as a draft. To finish the submission process, the students need to tap on the arrow on the top right corner.

How to Check an Assignment for Plagiarism Before Submitting It on Schoology?

When a student is submitting a paper, they should be careful about plagiarism because, for majority institutes, plagiarism is a threat to their academic integrity. So, they have strict policies against plagiarism.

Any plagiarism charges can harm a student’s career, and therefore they should try to stay away from plagiarism. When a student is submitting an assignment on Schoology, they should scan the content with a plagiarism checker to check duplicate content.

The academic plagiarism checker tools compare the document with other existing files available on the internet. The school plagiarism checker finds similar parts present in the content and mentions their source. The students can easily do proper citation and use quotation marks for the portions to avoid plagiarism. It can help them effectively submit a plagiarism-free assignment on the Schoology app.

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