Use Case

Adopt GenAI Responsibly and Effectively Across Your Customer Support Organization

Harness the potential of generative AI while ensuring responsible adoption across your Customer Support team.

Know That Your Customer Support Is AI Ready

Confidently embrace the possibilities of genAI across your Customer Support team while mitigating the risks.

Maintain Customer Privacy and Avoid Data Leaks

While AI can facilitate key customer support processes, with some teams seeing an 85% reduction in ticket times thanks to genAI, it’s essential to be aware that when personal data is involved, safeguards that offer transparency and help you oversee all AI use are crucial to avoid potential customer data leaks.

Keep Customer
Experiences Positive

AI models are trained on vast amounts of data, which can result in biases and misinformation. That’s why it’s important to have the necessary tools to help maintain insight and transparency to avoid negative customer interactions.

Avoid Potential
Negative Brand Impact

Several high-profile incidents with AI chatbots highlight how crucial it is to train AI models on high-quality data and have the necessary guardrails for any AI customer support chatbots to answer only the questions you permit.

Ready to get started with Copyleaks? Book a free demo today.

Características principais

Ícone de detecção de IA

Full AI Model Coverage

Detect content generated across all AI models, such as ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, plus newer models once released.

API Icon

Flexible API Options

Bring the power of Copyleaks to your native platform with our comprehensive, fully flexible API options.

Ícone de idioma

Suporte multilíngue

The Copyleaks Detector de plágio supports over 100 languages, and the Detector de IA supports over 30 languages, the most of any platform on the market. 

Checked Paper Icon

In-Depth PDF Reports  

Every scan provides an in-depth, customizable report that can be downloaded as a PDF and shared among team members or across the organization.

Ícone de detecção

Interspersed AI Content Detection

Our AI detection can recognize AI-generated text even if interspersed with human-written content to ensure complete visibility.

Ícone de segurança

Segurança de nível militar

Every Copyleaks product boasts military-grade security, GDPR compliance, and SOC2 & SOC3 certification. For full security details, Clique aqui.

Ready To Get Started?

Speak with a team member today.