
Each day, some of the world’s largest businesses, educational institutes, and millions of individuals trust Copyleaks to ensure content authenticity.

Logo Moodle
“Many of our clients have expressed concerns about the use of AI for content generation, particularly in the higher education space,” says Jonathan Moore, Head of Moodle US. “Our partnership with Copyleaks will make it simple for Moodle administrators and instructors to detect AI-generated content in order to encourage thoughtful, original content that shows subject mastery.”

Jonathan Moore, Head of Moodle

Gli strumenti di Copyleaks ci danno l'opportunità di aiutare gli insegnanti a risparmiare tempo prezioso che possono utilizzare per fornire istruzioni più personalizzate agli studenti, aiutandoli nel contempo a comprendere l'importanza dell'integrità accademica.

Kinsey Rawe, SVP & GM, Courseware & Instructional Services for Imagine Learning.

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Safe Search Kids Logo
È fondamentale che gli articoli inviati dai nostri autori non siano solo unici, ma anche scritti da esseri umani senza l'assistenza dell'intelligenza artificiale, soprattutto considerando che Google è stato chiaro che svaluterà i contenuti scritti dall'intelligenza artificiale o semplicemente un rimaneggiamento di contenuti esistenti. Utilizzo Copyleaks per garantire l'autenticità di tutti i contenuti che vengono pubblicati sul nostro sito.

Lowell Christensen, amministratore delegato di SafeSearchKids

“The discourse around AI, and the overall understanding of what AI is and does has changed drastically with the release of ChatGPT,” explains Open LMS Managing Director Phill Miller. “Our clients are looking to us for solutions to detect AI-generated content fraudulently submitted by their students and learners. Adding Copyleaks to our portfolio is among the first steps we’re taking to help our clients mitigate some of AI’s challenges to academic integrity.”

Phill Miller, LMS Managing Director OpenLMS

Open LMS Logo
D2L Logo
“For more than 10 years, D2L has been a longstanding leader in successfully and authentically incorporating AI and automation into our technology to help identify at-risk learners and create personalized learning pathways. With this recent, widespread adoption of generative AI technology over the past year by businesses, students, teachers, faculty and administrators, new tools and approaches are necessary to help personalize learning for everyone,” said Katie Bradford, Vice President of Product Partnerships at D2L. “Our partnership with Copyleaks is an important step towards further bolstering our AI-powered offerings and seeing that learners feel supported and customers have the tools they 
need to build outstanding teaching and learning experiences.”

Katie Bradford, Vice President of Product Partnerships at D2L

“Unique content is crucial for reaching your target audience and matching user intent,” said Olga Andrienko, Head of Global Marketing at SEMrush. “Using duplicate or stolen content will only hurt your business, as prospects won’t understand why they should choose you over others if you sound like everyone else. Additionally, Google will simply not expose you to its users. SEMrush’s SEO Writing Assistant solves two of these problems at once—it helps companies craft the best content to match user intent in search and makes sure it’s not plagiarized.”

Olga Andrienko, Head of Global Marketing at SEMrush

Logo di apprendimento Macmillan
“By integrating Copyleaks’ API seamlessly with our new tools, Achieve will help students avoid plagiarism in a pedagogically sound way, intervening with instruction before students submit their work,”

Leasa Burton, Vice President, Humanities, Macmillan Learning

The response from the Copyleaks Support Team has always been fast and effective, and you feel like you're the only one being helped. That wasn't as big of a concern up front; instead, it's one of those things that organically emerged after working with the people at Copyleaks. Now, we like to think of Copyleaks as one of our model citizens in that if we have an issue, we know it's going to be heard, we know it's going to be addressed, and we know people are working on it.

Daniel A. Arnold, Ph.D. Manager of Support Services – E-Learning & Instructional Support

Università di Oakland
Logo dell'NSS
La facilità dell'integrazione API è stata una delle ragioni per cui abbiamo scelto Copyleaks. È stato tutto perfetto. Ciò che ci ha spinto a restare con Copyleaks è l'assistenza clienti. Se abbiamo una domanda, verrà risolta entro 24 ore.

Matthew J. Levine, Director of the NSS Gerard K. O’Neill Space Settlement Contest