全新改进!无论您在何处浏览,都可以使用下一代 AI 检测器扩展。 |
Inspire learning and error-free writing while keeping everything you need in one convenient place with a Copyleaks Moodle integration.
The only enterprise AI detection solution with full model coverage, including ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini, built right into your LMS integration, not as an additional add-on.
Determine if a document was plagiarized from another language through online translation, with matching capabilities in over 30 languages, including Spanish, Chinese, German, and Portuguese.
Empower the writing process with a comprehensive solution for grammar corrections, sentence structure, tone suggestions, and overall mechanics without worrying about getting flagged as AI. Learn more 这里.
Copyleaks is the only platform to verify source code for originality and authenticity, including AI-generated code, recognize potential code plagiarism, and detect modified code.
除了能够阅读 100 多种人类语言之外,每次扫描都会搜索数万亿页的原始内容,此外:
As part of the Moodle integration, teachers can upload templates to exclude specific text when running a scan on a student’s assignment, preventing similar content detection regarding original questions, prompts, and more.
每次扫描都会获得清晰、全面且完全交互式的报告,并对其进行自定义以查看与您和您的学生相关的信息。此外,还可以选择下载 PDF 报告并与您的学生分享。
Analytics provides admins and educators with historical data on student submissions, allowing them to monitor recurring trends and make informed decisions about AI use, plagiarism, and more.