Brandneu und verbessert! Nehmen Sie die nächste Generation der AI Detector-Erweiterung mit, wohin Sie auch surfen. |
Verify what a human wrote and what is AI-generated with the AI Detector Browser Extension.
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With over 99% accuracy and a 0.2% false positive rate, the AI Detector Browser Extension lets you know if what you’re reading online was written by a human or an AI model, including ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini, plus paraphrased text and AI-generated source code.
Wouldn’t you like to know that the post you’re reading on social media was actually written by someone and not just a text bot? The AI Detector Browser Extension helps keep you in the know.
Text bots are everywhere now, but they’ve been trying to influence our decisions on review sites for a while now. With our AI Detector, you can know what reviews are genuine and which ones were written by an AI copy generator so you can make a truly informed purchase decision.
With the rise of AI-generated text, more and more articles are being created by AI chatbots, including GPT-4, with possible programmed biases. Know who or what wrote your news with the AI Detector Browser Extension.
Hallo Studenten! Bevor Sie diese Seite aus dem Internet in Ihrer Arbeit zitieren, sollten Sie noch einmal überprüfen, ob sie nicht von einem KI-Textgenerator erstellt wurde. Denn was real erscheint, ist nicht immer das, was es zu sein scheint.
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