Brandneu und verbessert! Nehmen Sie die nächste Generation der AI Detector-Erweiterung mit, wohin Sie auch surfen. |
New York, NY – February 22, 2024 – According to a 2023 BerichtBis 2026 werden fast 90% aller Online-Inhalte KI-generiert sein. Aufgrund der Sättigung mit KI-Inhalten sind Bedenken hinsichtlich der Datenverschmutzung unvermeidlich Modellzusammenbruch raise concerns about AI-generated text’s overall quality and reliability.
Darüber hinaus gibt es auch umfassendere Bedenken hinsichtlich der Originalität. Im Gefolge von mehrere Klagen regarding AI infringing on copyright and potentially plagiarizing, educational institutions and enterprises across the globe are questioning the authenticity of AI text: Where did it originate from? Is it safe to use as original content
Plagiiert KI letztendlich?
To find out, Copyleaks, the leader in plagiarism identification, AI-content detection, and GenAI governance, conducted an analysis to determine the degree to which AI-generated content is original and free of potential plagiarism.
Um diese Analyse durchzuführen:
Copyleaks asked GPT-3.5 to write 1.045 Ausgänge, Mittelung 412 Wörter über alle Ausgänge, in 26 subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Science, Psychology, Law, Economics, Biology, Business Studies, Engineering, Accounting, Geography, Mathematics, Computer Science, Sports, World History, Philosophy, English Language, Art, Physical Education, Statistics, Social Science, Nature, Music, Sociology, Humanities, Theater.
Copyleaks gauged the specific outputs with the highest levels of identical text (A one-for-one copying of someone else’s text that is passed off as your own), minor changes (Content with minor alterations to the source material, such as altering a verb within a sentence (e.g., slow to slowly), and paraphrasing (Putting someone else’s idea into your own words without crediting the original source) across all 26 subjects.
Key findings from the analysis include:
The insights provided by the analysis can help educational institutions and organizations put emphasis on certain subjects when checking for plagiarism, allowing them to tailor their approach as needed to ensure all potential risks and concerns are addressed,” said Alon Yamin, CEO and Co-founder of Copyleaks. “For example, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Psychology might require a more in-depth look to identify plagiarized text, while other subjects, including Theater and Humanities, may require less scrutiny.”
Yamin added: “Furthermore, the data underscores the need for organizations to adopt solutions that detect the presence of AI-generated content and provide the necessary transparency surrounding potential plagiarism within the AI content. Full-spectrum protection that includes AI and plagiarism detection ensures compliance with copyright and licensing and empowers authenticity and originality within all content.”
Über Copyleaks
Copyleaks ist ein Unternehmen für KI-basierte Textanalyse, das sich der Schaffung sicherer Umgebungen zum Austausch von Ideen und selbstbewussten Lernen verschrieben hat. Es wird von Unternehmen, Bildungseinrichtungen und Millionen von Einzelpersonen auf der ganzen Welt genutzt, um potenzielle Plagiate in über 100 Sprachen zu identifizieren, KI-generierte Inhalte aufzudecken, einen verantwortungsvollen Einsatz generativer KI sicherzustellen, Authentizität und Eigentumsrechte zu überprüfen und fehlerfreies Schreiben zu ermöglichen.
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