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Combined with the award-winning AI Content and Plagiarism Detector, Copyleaks Grammar Checker API is the only comprehensive offering for creating original, error-free writing.
New York, NY – November 28, 2023 – Copyleaks, the leader in plagiarism identification, AI-content detection, and GenAI governance, is proud to announce its latest innovation, API do verificador gramatical, that, when combined with the award-winning Conteúdo de IA e Detector de plágio, is the only comprehensive solution dedicated to creating original, error-free writing.
The all-new Grammar Checker API is the most accurate and comprehensive grammar checker on the market based on BLEU score, offering suggestions for sentence structure, word choice, and overall mechanics through flexible API integration that effortlessly integrates into native platforms with a single line of code.
“We are committed to providing the most advanced solutions to empower content creators and ensure original, error-free writing,” said Alon Yamin, CEO and Co-founder of Copyleaks. “The Grammar Checker is a significant step towards that goal, offering unmatched accuracy and flexibility to enhance the writing process.”
Copyleaks Grammar Checker is more than just another grammar checker; it’s a powerful tool designed to help writers create high-quality content.
Key features of the Copyleaks Grammar Checker include:
Furthermore, the Copyleaks Grammar Checker features a fully flexible API built by developers for developers. It is fully customizable and supports key programming languages, including C#, Node.JS, PHP, Java, Rubi, Pitão, and more, making it an ideal tool for seamless integration into native platforms with just a single line of code.
Building upon its capabilities, Copyleaks recently expanded its product suite with the release of Codeleaks Source Code AI Detector, the market’s most comprehensive and only solution that identifies AI-generated source code and provides key licensing details, helping mitigate potential infringement, ensuring full code transparency, and keeping proprietary code secure.
Sobre Copyleaks
Dedicada à criação de ambientes seguros para compartilhar ideias e aprender com confiança, a Copyleaks é uma empresa de análise de texto baseada em IA usada por empresas, instituições educacionais e milhões de indivíduos em todo o mundo para identificar possíveis plágios em mais de 100 idiomas, descobrir conteúdo gerado por IA, garanta a adoção responsável e generativa de IA, verifique a autenticidade e a propriedade e capacite a escrita sem erros.
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